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Handgun and  Ammunition

Hunt Tactical LLC

Concealed Carry, Basic Handgun, Safety and Maintenance, Classes Offered.


Reliable Training and Instruction You Can Rely On In A Defensive Situation.



Hunt Tactical is a proud USCCA Official Partner and encourages every gun owner to take advantage of what the USCCA offers. Click the link above to get your FREE Concealed Carry Guide for more life-saving knowledge 

Hunt Tactical LLC is a firearms training company specializing in Concealed Carry training for NORTH CAROLINA.

 We serve clients in the northeastern North Carolina area.




Course will cover Safety Parts and nomenclature of the gun Physical manipulation Cleaning and maintenance

NC Concealed Handgun Carry Permit Course

The NC Concealed Handgun Carry Permit Course is not a difficult course to complete. This course is for the average person, Gain potentially lifesaving training from a quality instructor.


Advanced Concealed Carry Class

Only 16 slots per class
This is a performance based training course that adapts to each shooter on an individual level.

Students who have completed the concealed carry permit course are eligible to attend. Students will learn the basics of carrying a concealed firearm and will be able to employ their firearm from concealment should the need arise. This course is a must for any person who carries a concealed firearm! This is not a concealed carry permit certification course!

Prerequisites: valid Concealed Carry Permit

Topics covered:

- Drawing from concealment
- Accuracy drills
- Multiple target engagement and moving while shooting
- Understanding Defensive Ammunition & Selection Criteria
- Situational Awareness & Tactical Planning - Moving Off the X
- Use of Controlled pair shooting
- Use of Accelerated pair shooting
- Tactical reloads
- Combat reloads
- Fighting Mindset

Required Equipment:
- Semi auto handgun .380 caliber or higher, (No Revolvers)
- 100-200 rds of ammo
- A kydex, hard plastic or good quality leather holster set up to be run inside the waist band or OWB with a cover garment. (No Nylon holsters)
- 2-3 magazines
- Note taking material
- Positive attitude and open mind This is a range only training.

Live fire training. Class will be taught in small groups for one on one interaction. Seating is limited to 16 per class

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My wife and I took the course today. Mr. Hunt was exceptional. His calm and cool instructional technique kept the class engaged. I want to also point out that as advertised, we were never bored. He was very professional and not intimidating whatsoever. I would recommend Hunt Tactical to anyone interested in acquiring their NC Conceal and Carry permit.

Jeff Hollingsworth

Great experience today! It was my first time ever shooting a gun and the team provided me with all the help I needed and more! Highly recommend!

I’m sending my wife and any other family members that need gun instruction to Hunt Tactical. Cory’s personality makes the classes enjoyable and his knowledge is top tier. I will definitely be attending any other courses offered through Hunt Tactical!!!

I took the Women's Intro to Handgun class and really loved it. Mr. Hunt was really informative. He was very patient and a really great instructor. I definitely plan to take the concealed weapons class with him in the future. Overall a really great class and I'm very glad I took it.

Great instructor, very informative and knowledgeable. He made the class fun and gave real world examples when explaining the material. On the range he helped the new shooters learn stances, aim and showed us what we did wrong. If you’re looking for a fun class come see him!

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